Locate Underground Utilities
Why Call??
If you plan on doing any excavating, be sure to have your utilities locate any underground services. Call two business days before you will begin work. All you need to do is make one call to the Montana "Call Before You Dig" telephone number.
- It's required by law in Montana
- It's smart because doing so can prevent unnecessary damage and accidents
- It's easy, just call: 800.424.5555
After The Call
After the appx. line locations have been identified, it's still important to remember:
- Utility lines may be buried at a shallow depth, so proceed with caution using handtools as hitting a line may lead to injury or penalties.
- Dig around the markings, not on them.
- Time, erosion or root structure growth can shift the locations of utility lines, so call before all digging projects.
- It is estimated that failure to call before digging results in more than one unintentional hit per minute nationally.
Information Needed:
- County, City, Street address
- Property owner
- Type of work planned, Extent of work
- Name of caller, Your telephone number
- Best time to call you
- Start date, Start time
- Contractor and his telephone number & address
Learn More:
At Southeast Electric, we have a nominal amount of underground wire. If your underground wire is between the meter and the service location; we have a tool you may borrow to locate the wire. If you need assistance, contact an electrician.
APWA Uniform Color Code (for marking underground utility lines)
White - proposed excavation
- Pink - temporary survey markings
- Red - Electric Power Lines, cables, conduit & lighting cables
- Yellow - Gas, oil, steam, petroleum or gaseous materials
- Orange - Communication, alarm or signal lines, cables or conduit
- Blue - Potable Water
- Purple - Reclaimed water, irrigation and slurry lines
- Green - Sewers and drain lines